Hi, I’m Lauren.

And I am so glad you are here!

I am a Consultant. Had you told me this is what I would be doing a year ago- I would have been in shock. Me?! A consultant? What do I have to offer? Turns out - a lot! Once I worked through the imposter syndrome of making this career shift, I realized that my career, education, and knack for organization has positioned me well for this path. After working and serving for over 10 years in the AmeriCorps world, I knew I still wanted to remain grounded in service and social justice work. I have found a way to fulfill this by partnering with organizations that are mission-driven, transparent, and ready to lean into how they can strengthen their internal practices to better serve their communities.

I am an Instructional Designer. “But what does that even mean, Lauren?!” It means I build and design online learning courses for different groups. These courses can be fully embedded online or a hybrid model including various types of content and media design. I LOVE thinking about how people learn and how we can best support the engagement of learner’s from various backgrounds and ability levels.

I am a van-lifer. Yes, you have probably heard it by now, but I am currently living in my van full time and traveling the country. My partner and I love the outdoors and wanted to experience it more intimately. When I am not working, I am exploring new places, skiing, hiking, mountain biking or just catching a Netflix show. Living in the van has further exposed me to how vast, diverse and incredible this country and its people truly are.

lauren training americorps members

Working with our 2019 AmeriCorps Team

I am a social justice advocate. There is not much I care more fiercely about than working towards a world that centers equity- in all of its institutions and practices. I understand that the movement towards a more just world is ongoing work and am committed to continuing creating inclusive spaces, engaging in my own self-work and utilizing my privilege to advocate for institutional change.

Chat with Me

I mean it! I would love to learn more about you and your work.